I’m looking forward to not having the dreams anymore

I’ve lived in sunny (most of the time) San Diego since September 1, 2005, and I’m still having nightmares about planes flying into buildings, people running from billowing smoke, and the paralyzing dread that accompanies waiting for the next thing to happen. In this dream, I was living in Washington, DC, five blocks from the Capitol and I watched a plane soar into the front steps. And so on. It was one of those epic dreams that seemed to last forever. The only good things about the dream was that Rob was there (and he wasn’t there the first time) and so was CJ Cregg (and she always makes me feel safe).


Maybe it’s not the moon at all / I hear Spike Lee’s shooting down the street

So, I wrote a really long essay about “Rent” for Maisy this week. Here’s the pull quote:

The problems with the film Rent have nothing to do with the ages of the actors or director Chris Columbus’s lack of vision; they have to do with how the original show was written, how its history has been re-written, and how Rent was transformed from a little musical to a billion-dollar commodity.

I think I’m getting nerdier. I use words like “commodity.” Anyway, please read. Thanks!