Bully them into seeing Bully
Bully isn’t a movie; it’s a feature-length public service announcement. But it’s one everyone should see. Here’s the link to the review in LGBT Weekly, and here it is also:
Unfortunately, most people only know about the documentary Bully because the Motion Picture Association gave it an R rating for an utterance of the word “fuck,” refused an appeal, and then, following a nationwide outcry orchestrated by the mogul and PR genius Harvey Weinstein, relented and gave the film a PG-13. The rating matters particularly for this film because it is about the bullying of teenagers, and with an R rating not only would it be a great deal harder for teens to get into the movie theater, but few schools would show the film or take students on a field trip to see it. And every teenager in the United States should be forced to see Bully. While it is not a particularly impressive piece of filmmaking, it is extraordinarily effective, and badly needed propaganda for a righteous cause. Continue…